Cut from stainless steel and wrapped in the highest quality leather, the Android device, unlike many phones in the luxury sector has no shortage of high-tech features or performance. It has a very capable quad-core processor, 3GB of RAM, 32GB of internal storage plus a microSD card slot for another 32GB. It has Yamaha integrated speakers and amplifier, a device photo and the latest 20-megapixel rear-facing camera, with 8-megapixel front camera and last but not least, a full HD 5 inch screen. However, one thing must be clear. Although the handset will clearly appeal to the Lamborghini car owners the phone maker and hyper car manufacturer are two different entities.
Tonino Lamborghini gold in UAE is the handset that can be badged Lamborghini and it can have what at first glance appears to be the very emblem of raging bull, but while the car manufacturer Lamborghini was founded by Ferruccio Lamborghini and belongs to Audi now Tonino Lamborghini was created by Ferruccio’s son, Tonino in 1981 and is otherwise unrelated.
Yet over the last 30 years, the company has become synonymous with Italian luxury thanks to its growing range of products from high-end consumers, including helmets and watches. The phone was priced at $4000 when officially launched and came in an aluminum storefront that looked extraordinarily like a Lamborghini engine cover.
Lamborghini is very present in the field of luxury and also smartphones. The Italian brand introduced its new luxury phone with Tonino Lamborghini gold in UAE that costs AED29,999 only. As you can see, the Lamborghini 88 Tauri has a lavish design. A design that mixture leather (real) and stainless steel. Regarding the specs, they are very honorable. So we have a 5-inch Full HD screen, a Snapdragon 801, 3GB RAM, 64 GB of expandable memory, a 20 megapixel camera and a battery mAh 3400. Everything runs Android 4.4. As you can see, Lamborghini did not make a phone specs side rebate, something that is not uncommon in the world of luxury.
If you want one and you have AED30,000 set aside, it will be yours! The Lamborghini 88 Tauri was produced only 1947 numbered copies. Why 1947? For this is the year of birth of Lamborghini designer. Note also that in addition to purchasing the Tonino Lamborghini gold smartphone you buy the service, which will follow you round the clock in case of problems.
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